Future of Asheville's reparations to Black community uncertain but imminent
I hope you have found value within the information presented on this website. More importantly, I hope you will gain a better understanding as to why there is so much discussion on reparation. “Remapping Community” was my vision; and I am elated to see the vision into existence. Dr. Marcianio and I wanted to connect […]
I drove through Asheville, North Carolina. This is what I saw.
An article: Root Shock: The consequences of African-American dispossession https://www.duq.edu/assets/Documents/ciqr/RootShockArticle.pdf
National Geographic Article: Maps Show How Tearing Down City Slums Displaced Thousands https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/urban-renewal-projects-maps-united-states
Massachusetts Town Will Seed $220K to Begin Reparations for Black Residents